Archive for category I Love My Wife

I don’t write a lot.

I have had this blog for three years as of the end of this month.  And this is my ninth post.  To say I am go to try to write more would probably not be a lie, but I should probably say I wont write any less.  I don’t think a lot of people read this blog so that’s probably why I don’t write more.  My wife Damsel writes about stuff that’s actually interesting and funny, and I like reading it.  Sometimes I learn something new about the person I have been living with for the last ten years and love it.

I learned that she loves to color with the kids, I knew she liked to color, but didn’t know she talks the kids into coloring so she can. I can’t color by number.

This summer is our 10 year anniversary and I am still learning things about her.  Our two wonderful kids make life ever interesting and rarely boring.  To make a long story unnecessarily short, Life is Good.

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